Homemade activity busy board for a toddler is easy to make out of cardboard plus any loose items you have around your home. All you need is just secure them to the board and your baby is ready to play! With a little time and dedication, you’ll have a small ball pit with slides, doors, buttons, and anything that fits your imagination, attached to a single busy board. This sturdy cardboard box is mounted on the wall and will help your little one to stand up and play.
My first sensory busy board was just a box that I made out of cardboard without any previous planning. By making similar activity boards for my friends, I discovered that laying out a pattern makes the process a lot easier. It is also really versatile and open to experimentation. The base of the rectangle is 18×24 divided into 3×3 squares. If you don’t have a solid piece of cardboard, you can simply glue several pieces together (check out this instructional video).
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Glue gun
- Hot glue sticks
- Paper knifeÂ
- Combination Square (optional)
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Sensory materials, you may want to use for your homemade activity board:
- Plastic balls are a great activity for kids – light and easy to manipulate
- Big Buttons – secured to the board with elastics and colorful stripes
- Soft Felt decoration is an amazing place to play and sensory learning
Busy Board
Step 1.
Making a plan
Step 1. Create rectangle box 18×24″ with grid 3×3″, choose a template and mark the grid.
Step 2-3.
Tunnels and Shelves
Step 2. Glue inside shelves. Use combination square if needed
Step 3. Make tunnels for ball throwing
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